Monday, November 13, 2006

Ja living...
Just spending some tropical time by da pool right here at the Marriott resort.
mi cousin (Richie {no abreviations or alterations there-of}) is a real story teller. Love's SCUBA diving and chilling in da Caribbean apparently - he loved it here!
(no diving in dissa pool, keep telling him dat!)

My cousin flew over to St Kitt's from the UK, all 3,000 miles or so, to spend 3 weeks... was a good holiday wid mi cuz!

(Puki, wrestlin ta get to the wallet, go puki!)

Mi Cuz an Puki. (Mi cuz is wearing the orange shirt...)

Da secret whoop whoop hand-shake; Rock, paper, lighter?

Mi Cuz said he coming back soon; Whoop whoop!