Friday, December 02, 2005

Da beach life paradise...

Whoop Whoops World...

Well here in St Kitt's, the peace is tranquil, the pace of life steady and the windsurfing heady...

It's a relaxed paradise of an island, a place to hang and feel at one with the general universe.

The Warm character of the people, the gorgeous sunny days and the tropical breeze all make St Kitt's the home of all that's gorgeous.

To share some of my recent pictures and memories, this blog will be the catalogue of pictures of this island and the adventures me and wifey are having over here;

We have just 'obtained' a dog;

He is my wifes 'dog' and my fiend to train. He's sneaky, got sharp teeth, his name is Puki, which apparently is Hawiian (I think it means, vicous like cotton wool).

The sunsets here are real pretty, which I'll demonstrate in the next couple of shots:

This was just typical of the bare foot cruises that pass through here...

Just some rum, some fun and a beach party somewhere nearby :D

This is what I mean by relaxing athmosphere, you can't buy this stuff :) the piccy here was from 1/12/05 this Dec... sunset looking sweet nuh!

OK, me and a drink, unusual mind;

And da reason no one is there, is not cos mi pirate self is scary, but it's still early in da morning...

well mi tinks there will be more peace if mi goes this direction...

And dat is a chicken wing bone, not a spliff hi hi hi... it's a breezy day, so am decked in mi rash vest and windsurfing goggles ready fi da frey...

Da Caribbean Beach bar, features heavily here. Da dance floor and it's propieter;

"Pappy", of God fathers (pictured above)... limin an coolin in da sun...

Love da Caribbean life me hearties;

Mi buccaneer self here in da Caribbean, da days hot and sunny...

da Puki (our likkle doggy), is getting bigger...

as such some piccies...

da doggy, loves ta dance and sing and play and bite;

Harr Harrr...!

Yeah he tinks he's cute... but he's still sneaky...!

Da heady warm days...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Windsurfing - swooshing (as mi wifey calls it...)

On a good day it can be REAL good, here are some piccies that my wife grudgingly took on a breezy day;

but getting tings setup can take da big time, freaking string...

But once ya completed, you too, could be pulling off stunts like this:

My wife is too chicken to follow me on a Kyak to tek pictures, so dissa could be me, but of course, no pictoral proof for dissa cat, but dat's what it's like out there... GORGEOUS!!! :D

or this:

When da good winds have died down... it's off to da reefs.

Whoop whoops world is all about living, as it should be in da first place... freely and with Complete freedom of soul, spirit and love.

we just love to tell good stories and errrrrm gossip here ;)
For the unitiated, Whoops world has good tings...

love chilling wid da lords given spiritual wisdom;

Toasting a Sir Bob Cigaweed, is part of the Revelation 9 experience...

Caught up with some sistren when was in Londong Last December some good times sistren...

Well someone had to hold da camera, mi wifey turn to get picc'ied;

Sometimes, I get da dress code right too;

It's one of those, 'good beers' u know... nothing else... hi hi hi
am carrying all da bags in da blue V there

It's a kewl place here in St Christopher, we got good times;

me an wifey

Da local night club to us, 'Tigers', is da haunt for da more up dressed kinda nights...

Sometimes wid family, we drink the occasional beer...

and we got some nice beaches, see? Well actually, dat's Tortolla (Mushrooms are legal here :)
When all is said and done, good times roll, when peace and love prevail;

just one of those early hangovers... hi hi hi

Mi blogging self is here, it's a one man job, but here is me, this Island man in his blogging corner;

Seeking da Truth dammit!!!...!!!...

Da darn tings just fall asleep in mi arms, mi was only relating a joke...

Da Typical Beach bar, this is GodFathers;

Beach bars are of course another outlet for mi ranting self;

Mi wifey all worned out...

It's a gorgeous view, looking across the carpark, there's mi faithful truck 'Skully'...

Da good times;

Just another breezy day in dissa island paradise, Whoop Whoop!!! :D

is where we lime, live and hangout;

Get challenges from da locals, wanting to see if they ready to pass da strength test yet...

And when have taken mi winnings from their pocket money, mi teks a drink again...
