Windsurfing - swooshing (as mi wifey calls it...)
On a good day it can be REAL good, here are some piccies that my wife grudgingly took on a breezy day;

but getting tings setup can take da big time, freaking string...

But once ya completed, you too, could be pulling off stunts like this:

My wife is too chicken to follow me on a Kyak to tek pictures, so dissa could be me, but of course, no pictoral proof for dissa cat, but dat's what it's like out there... GORGEOUS!!! :D
or this:

When da good winds have died down... it's off to da reefs.
Whoop whoops world is all about living, as it should be in da first place... freely and with Complete freedom of soul, spirit and love.

we just love to tell good stories and errrrrm gossip here ;)
Puttin on a bit of weight..just kidding.. always good to hear ya tones. must be sweet coming from the old country to new digs. You mentioned another island was tinkin to leaf alive.. they goin to do it mon?
It wasn't that many years ago when the Brits worked and played and rationed. Prolly just missed that eh Jas. Cuttin out carboard insoles. Saving tin cans. Heating one room and storing the milk on the window sill outside. Peak oil mon amie.. Prepare and preserve. Time is not the issue here. Preparedness is the issue. Look to the long term of short supplies.
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