Thursday, December 01, 2005

is where we lime, live and hangout;

Get challenges from da locals, wanting to see if they ready to pass da strength test yet...

And when have taken mi winnings from their pocket money, mi teks a drink again...


1 comment:

djbarney said...

Jas :-)

I've been to Livingston before on the
south coast of Guatemala.

Here's what's on the back of my photo
that I plan to scan in...

"Livingston - seen here - is right at
the mouth of the river.
The town was originally founded by the
'Garifuna' - some black, African slaves
who were shipwrecked on an island in the
carribean and then made their way to here."

Some comments...

> It's one of those, 'good beers' u know... nothing else... hi hi hi

Yes...what is in that beer ? :-P

Other photos...

That dog looks seriously traumatised,
I'm pretty sure you should get that
looked into.

The ship pic. Could it be ? History will
never forget the name Enterprise? Mmmm.

Beach that a reef-o-naut ?

Family shots...Jas..L-O-V-E seems to
be in evidence ! :-> Hope you've got
the lightsabre ready there, just in
case...not that you'd need it, though,
by the look of this all :-)

Another beach shot with, is that your
'gang, Jas ? Sitting down there with
that guy with the shades on...could he
be your secret government contact ?

That kitten.

A hilarious t-shirt at the beach bar.

My photo scans are on the way !
